Sunday, February 23

Two DELs transition to fully-integrated mission deltas > United States Space Force > Article Display

U.S. Space Force and U.S. Space Operations Command have transitioned two additional Space Deltas to fully-integrated Mission Deltas under the Unified Mission Readiness concept, marked by ceremonies Oct. 30-31.

Mission Delta 2 – Space Domain Awareness, and Mission Delta 4 – Missile Warning and Tracking join MD31 – Navigation Warfare, and MD3 – Electromagnetic Warfare, as units that organize Space Force activities around mission areas rather than functional specialties.

“Today marks a significant milestone as we transition from Space Delta 4 to Mission Delta 4. This change signifies a leap forward in our operational capabilities, integrating intelligence, cyber and sustainment operations into our team,” said Col. Robert Schmitt, Mission Delta 4 commander. “I extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who organized and officiated this wonderful event, and to all the members of the newly minted Mission Delta 4 who give their all every single day. I am so proud of all that we do in striving for excellence and supporting each other and our families.”

Mission Deltas oversee all aspects of mission area functions – people, training, equipment and combat sustainment. The MD framework consolidates the units in SpOC that perform crew force operations, cyber defense and intelligence support with the program offices in Space Systems Command that perform Level 1 and Level 2 maintenance, operational enhancements and application-layer software development.

“This unity of command for readiness allows a single organization to generate, maintain and enhance ready forces for an assigned mission area,” said Col. Marc Brock, Assistant Deputy Commander for Operations, Plans and Force Developmentand SpOC lead for integrated Mission Delta modernization. “We’ve directly aligned the authority over sustainment decisions with the commanders in SpOC who are laser-focused on generating combat-ready forces for our nations.”

The Mission Delta construct is intended to garner the benefits that arise when operations, sustainment and capability development are in sync.

“The activation of a Space Domain Awareness Mission Delta comes at a crucial time as our service increases the intensity of our readiness posture. While none of us want conflict, we must be disciplined in our approach to not only deter aggressive behavior, but to project sustained joint power in support of U.S. and Allied interests,” said Col. Raj Agrawal, Mission Delta 2 commander. “I’m thrilled by this critical, positive step for our now unified, Mission Delta 2 formation around the globe.”

This integration allows the Space Force to optimize mission readiness to deliver critical components of the space-enabled combat edge to the joint force, deploy the abilities to disrupt adversary capabilities and deny access or prevent disruption to capabilities.



