Sunday, February 23

SpOC stands ready to meet the demands of Great Power Competition > United States Space Force > Article Display

Over the course of several weeks, Space Operations Command mission deltas worked tirelessly to develop and refine operational concepts to align and enhance their warfighting readiness. The Space Force Generation cycle enables continuous, integrated and increasingly dynamic developmental opportunities which allows commanders to assess and certify combat-ready space power for combatant command and service assigned missions and operational activities. 


As part of this cycle, SpOC completed its first certification exercise, certifying teams as combat ready to enter the first SPAFORGEN’s ‘commit’ phase. The recurring field command-level exercise allows the SpOC commander to assess the readiness of the crews being presented to combatant commands during the SPAFORGEN cycle’s ‘commit’ phase. 


During the three-phased force generation model, the ‘prepare’ phase enables Guardians to focus on leave and build their expertise through individual upgrades and professional military education. The ‘ready’ phase requires Guardians to participate in advanced training designed to equip them for high-intensity conflict. In the final ‘commit’ phase, Guardians are presented to joint force commanders to conduct military space operations.

 National defense has found itself in the era of Great Power Competition with the emergence over the past two decades of intensified U.S. competition with the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation. This shift has profoundly changed the conversation about U.S. defense issues and the necessity of integrated deterrence to meet the demands of GPC. Space Force Generation is one step being taken by the Space Force to answer the call. 


“We have found ourselves in an era of great competition. What we do now will determine the future and mean the difference between peace and war. Make no mistake, this is a definitive and pivotal moment in time,” said Lt. Gen. David N. Miller Jr., SpOC commander. “As a field command and as a service, we must be able to aggregate and integrate combat power poised to protect national security interests in space, consistent with any other warfighting domain. We must demonstrate our capability and willingness to confront and defeat threats through overwhelming combat power and steadfast resilience. Posturing to deter and win in conflict must remain our overriding purpose!” 


As the Space Force’s lead field command for executing the SPAFORGEN cycle, SpOC is leading the charge in building and improving combat-ready space power for the nation and the way Guardians are trained and equipped to be the combat edge during this pivotal time. 


“In the previous ‘all in, all the time’ model, day-to-day space operations did not routinely offer Guardians ample opportunity to practice for the challenges they will face in a combat environment,” said Brig. Gen. Chandler Atwood, SpOC vice commander. “We are implementing SPAFORGEN so Guardians have dedicated time to prepare for a high-intensity fight. Rotating force elements through prepare, ready, and commit phases will create the opportunity to deliberately build the high-end readiness we need. System proficiency isn’t enough. Mission readiness is essential, and our ultimate aim is to present aggregated and integrated space combat power.” 


Atwood oversaw the preparation activities and execution of the exercise which culminated in the validation of SpOC forces as integrated force packages and combat units. 


“We will integrate unit, mission area, and integrated warfighting team training evolutions tailored to the latest threat intelligence and combatant commander needs and requirements. Guardians and Airmen at all levels of Command are encouraged, and better yet, empowered to create a warfighting-focused environment, centered around operational excellence that will elevate our indispensable combat edge. In doing so, we will achieve credible deterrence options that no adversary can match,” said Atwood. 


As a result of implementing the SPAFORGEN model, the combatant commands will receive better integrated and highly refined combat-ready forces. These commands can expect to see improved coordination, precision, and lethality of SpOC combat forces, according to Atwood. 


July 1 signified the first time a fully integrated team of combat-ready Guardians from all mission areas of SpOC were presented to joint force commanders in the SPAFORGEN commit phase. 



