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Space Force special duty assignment application window closes Jan. 7 > United States Space Force > Article Display

Special duty assignments offer Guardians a unique opportunity to step into prestigious roles instrumental to the service’s mission. They also serve as a unique platform for professional growth, allowing Guardians to expand their skill sets and gain experiences that are invaluable to their careers and the mission of the Space Force. 


With the application window for Space Force special duty assignments for calendar year 2025 now open, Guardians have the opportunity to expand the breadth and depth of their skills while gaining knowledge of another part of the Space Force enterprise outside their normal duties. Guardians interested in Space Force Honor Guard, First Sergeant, Guardian Talent Scout (Recruiter) and Professional Military Education Instructor special duty assignments must submit their applications for one of these assignments before the application window closes on Jan. 7, 2025. 


Chief Master Sgt. Abifarin Scott, Headquarters Space Force Chief Human Capital Officer senior enlisted advisor, shared his thoughts on why special duty assignments present unique opportunities to Guardians in support of Space Force’s mission. 


“Enlisted special duty assignments are critical opportunities that provide the breadth of experience needed to build credible NCOs and SNCOs,” Scott said. “These institutional requirements have been deemed imperative to the success of the service’s mission, as they allow Guardians to understand their roles in developing and training Guardians while reinforcing Space Force culture outside of the operational ecosystem.” 


Honor Guard Special Duty Assignments 

Senior Master Sgt. Matthew Massoth, Space Force Honor Guard senior enlisted leader, noted how the unit exemplifies the leadership and professionalism that special duty assignments cultivate. 


“Across the Space Force, Guardians make the impossible a reality every single day; they are true warfighting professionals,” Massoth said. “Our mission is to be the physical embodiment of these professionals. We inspire confidence in the American public, trust in our allies, and hesitation from our adversaries.” 


Sgt Jordan Dunkerson, a Space Force Honor Guard member currently going through technical training, recommends Guardians consider applying to be an Honor Guard or other special duty assignments because they are pivotal in shaping the future of the force. 

“You’re afforded a rare opportunity to represent the nation’s newest military branch in an area outside of your field of expertise, hone new skills, improve your leadership capabilities, and ultimately carry those experiences back into the operational side of the Space Force,” Dunkerson said. 



First Sergeant Special Duty Assignments 

Meanwhile, First Sergeant duties offer Guardians the opportunity to directly influence unit morale and readiness. Acting as a direct link between enlisted personnel, officers and leadership, their influence ensures that the Space Force maintains a cohesive and high-performing workforce, ready to address the challenges of a contested and evolving space domain. 


Talent Scout Special Duty Assignments 

Similar to other services’ recruiters, Guardian Talent Scouts play a vital role in recruiting the next generation of Space Force professionals. Also known as recruiters, they aid the Space Force by identifying high-quality candidates, facilitating the recruiting process and guiding the next generation of Guardians. 


PME Instructor Special Duty Assignments 

PME instructors are at the forefront of shaping the Space Force’s future leaders by delivering advanced training and education. The Space Force’s mission to defend U.S. and allied interests in space depends on a well-educated and capable leadership cadre. PME instructors contribute directly to this mission by preparing Guardians to tackle complex challenges and lead with confidence in a rapidly changing domain. 


“The service has been extremely deliberate in assessing which special duty requirements we would allow Guardians to do given our size and focused scope of expertise,” Scott said. “That list has grown slightly over the years as the service, on its path to discovery, has quickly recognized how important the role of having Guardians embedded throughout the service’s ecosystem truly is.” 


Guardians interested in applying must submit their applications through their chain of command. The Special Duty Assignment Selection Board will convene from Jan. 20-24, 2025, to review submissions. Selected candidates will be notified of their status by Feb. 7, 2025, via the leadership chain of command and MyFSS, the platform that the Space Force uses to consolidate human resources applications. 



