Tuesday, March 11

Renowned UFO & Nukes Researcher, Robert Hastings — Interview with News Nation

“… this object moved up between his group, his group of 10 missiles to
the next group to the next group, to the next group and over the space of
about an hour virtually every group of missile called
a flight of 10 missiles was visited by this object

     Ross Coulthart sits down with UAP/UFO researcher
Robert Hastings to dive deep into claims UAPs and nuclear weapons are
connected, government comments about UAPs and what Hastings says he’s
experienced with nonhumans.

By Ross Coulthart
News Nation

Did aliens trigger several missiles in the 1960s that could have started World
War III? Hastings says the government and military members were terrified, and
it was kept a secret for decades.

Ross Coulthart: Hello and
welcome back to Reality Check. Well this week we have a guest I’ve been
wanting to get on for years. He’s one of the giants of UAP,
UFO research,
Robert Hastings. The man who exposed the connection between the nukes, that we have, nuclear
weapons, nuclear facilities, nuclear power plants and you UAPS. And today he’s
going to explain how he came to the conclusion there’s a link, but before I
bring him in I want to paint you a word picture; imagine a 16 17y old boy
sweeping the floors at the air traffic control tower at malstrom Air Force
Base in 1967. That was young Robert Hastings and he worked there because his
dad worked as a US Air Force officer on the base and in the course of one
evening he was summoned across to a radar screen by a friendly air traffic
controller who pointed him to various targets on his screen. They were
anomalous objects doing extraordinary things. And from that moment on Robert
Hastings was hooked and thankfully that was the case, because Robert has
provided us with probably one of the most invaluable pieces pieces of research
into the UAP phenomenon. It’s his work that has cracked an area wide open,
validated with corroborated US Air Force and other military documents, a
secret that the US Air Force has been at pains to try to conceal for 60 or 70
years, the indubitable link between UFOs and nuclear weapons. Robert Hastings
welcome to Reality Check!

Sir, did you ever find out what those objects were on that radar
screen that you saw as a teenage boy when you saw them being tracked on the
malstrom Air Force based screens?

Robert Hastings: Uh,
the FAA controller who pointed them out to me on his screen screen, uh man
named Bob grasser, uh simply said these were unknown targets. I was walking by
emptying his trash can in a place called RAPCON Radar Approach Control and um
we had had previous conversations about radar. He knew me, he knew I was
interested in radar and for whatever reason he just kind of nonchalantly said
we’re tracking “unknown targets” or whatever words he used and I recall after
this many years getting very excited and peppering him with questions and I
think he kind of did a double take and and realized I was drawing attention to
us [laughs] from the other controllers in the room and he kind of backed off
and said why don’t you come back later and clean up. Well I cleaned the rest
of the tower. About two hours worth of work and when I returned to RAPCON he
clearly did not want to talk about it, uh I worked every other day and uh two
days later I caught him in the breakroom and I said were you tracking UFOs the
other night and again he clearly did not want to talk about it. However, uh my
father who by the way was a senior master sergeant not an officer uh worked at
the NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command Radar facility on base
called The Sage Building, part of a a international network with Canada US and
Canada. He worked right in the military radar building and I went home that
night and was very excited and you said I you know I think the radar you know
tracking of UFOs went on tonight, I’m not sure. Unbeknownst to me he made
inquiries at work and a few days later he confirmed that norad’s facility did
track the objects and that the rumor going around was that they were
maneuvering near nuclear missile sites. These were bonafide UFOs. So
that kicked everything off for me, your correct.


Source: www.theufochronicles.com