Saturday, February 22


Unexplained UFO Sightings Near Nuclear Weapons Sites, Facilities

Unexplained UFO Sightings Near Nuclear Weapons Sites, Facilities

     An article at The Hill explores "interactions between UFOs and ultra-sensitive U.S. nuclear assets [that] date back nearly eight decades." The author, Marik von Rennenkampff, highlights several instances throughout history, here is a sampling below: By The UFO Chronicles4-27-24 • The Green Fireballs Phenomenon: Beginning in 1948 airline pilots began reporting sightings of "green fireballs." The subject of aerial phenomenon was classified secret, and the 4th Army approached Dr. Lincoln LaPaz, an American astronomer from the University of New Mexico and a pioneer in the study of meteors for assistance. In a secret meeting at Los Alamos in February of 1949, LaPaz stated for the record that, "Nothing like this to my knowledge, has ever been observed in the case of meteorite ...