Wednesday, March 26

Space Force

Air Force, Space Force are ready, capable, but challenges remain > United States Space Force > Article Display
Space Force

Air Force, Space Force are ready, capable, but challenges remain > United States Space Force > Article Display

WASHINGTON (AFNS) --  Senior uniformed officers from the Air Force and Space Force told a Senate subcommittee March 12 that each service is focused on readiness but that budget shortfalls and determined adversaries are continuing sources for concern. “I can confidently state that your United States Air Force stands ready and able to defend America’s homeland, ensure a robust nuclear deterrent via our two legs of the Triad, and project power around the world to provide options to deter and win as the nation requires,” U.S. Air Force Deputy Chief for Operations Lt. Gen. Adrian Spain told the Senate Armed Ser...
Office of the Chief Information Officer drives efficiency for IT spending > United States Space Force > Article Display
Space Force

Office of the Chief Information Officer drives efficiency for IT spending > United States Space Force > Article Display

ARLINGTON, Va. (AFNS) --  The Office of the Chief Information Officer is focused on driving value in all information technology investments across the Department of the Air Force and improving portfolio management.Cecily Odom, Enterprise IT Programming and Financial Management senior advisor, is leading the effort.In her role, Odom focuses on a wide range of financial management tasks including the development and justification of the Enterprise IT budget estimate submission, overseeing the resourcing activities of the Enterprise IT portfolio with the Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution system, and establishing a metrics and analysis system for Enterprise IT resourcing.“I’m excited to build our efforts toward helping others underst...
DAF senior leaders highlight warrior ethos, lethality during NCLS > United States Space Force > Article Display
Space Force

DAF senior leaders highlight warrior ethos, lethality during NCLS > United States Space Force > Article Display

U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. (AFNS) --  U.S. military general officers and senior enlisted advisors headlined a senior leader panel during the 32nd annual National Character and Leadership Symposium at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, Feb. 21.  The panel featured Gen. Stephen Whiting, U.S. Space Command commander, Gen. David Allvin, U.S. Air Force chief of staff, and Department of the Air Force enlisted leaders – Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force John Bentivegna and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force David Flosi. The leaders expounded on strategic initiatives and how their services’ r...
X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle concludes seventh successful mission > United States Space Force > Article Display
Space Force

X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle concludes seventh successful mission > United States Space Force > Article Display

VANDENBERG SPACE FORCE BASE, Calif. (AFNS) --  The X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle-7 (OTV-7), the U.S. Space Force’s dynamic unmanned spaceplane, successfully deorbited and landed at Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, March 7, 2025 at 02:22 a.m. EST. The U.S. Space Force landed the X-37B at Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, to exercise its rapid ability to launch and recover its systems across multiple sites. X-37B’s Mission 7 was the first launch on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket to a Highly Elliptical Orbit. While on orbit, Mission 7 accomplished a range of test and experimentation objectives intended to demonstrate the X-37B’s robust ...
Minuteman III test launch showcases readiness of US nuclear force’s safe, effective deterrent > United States Space Force > Article Display
Space Force

Minuteman III test launch showcases readiness of US nuclear force’s safe, effective deterrent > United States Space Force > Article Display

VANDENBERG SPACE FORCE BASE, Calif. (AFNS) --  A joint team of Air Force Global Strike Command Airmen and Vandenberg Space Force Base Guardians launched an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with a single telemetered joint test assembly re-entry vehicle Feb. 19 fom Vandenberg SFB. The Western Range at Vandenberg SFB serves as the primary testing ground for the AFGSC's ICBM deterrent architecture. This test launch is part of routine and periodic activities designed to demonstrate that the United States' nuclear deterrent remains safe, secure, reliable, and effective in deterring 21st-century threats and reassuring allies.“Today’s Minuteman III test launch is ...