Star power in Boötes – Astronomy Now
Arcturus (alpha Boötis) is the brightest star north of the celestial equator and only Sirius outshines it from UK shores.
Dominating the short, late-spring nights is Arcturus, the brightest star of the northern hemisphere sky and the sentinel of spring. It’s the brilliant leader of the constellation of Boötes, the Herdsman, or Bear Keeper, an area of the night sky that’s bereft of bright deep-sky objects, including no Messier-designated targets. Don’t you think then that it’s rather fitting that otherwise uninspiring Boötes has been handed the distinct honour of hosting Arcturus, as well as several superb double stars, including the beautifully formed and named Pulcherrima (Izar, epsilon Boötis).
Arrive at Arcturus
Arcturus is a magnificent naked eye star, shining at magnitude –0.04 – o...